Car rental in North Ossetia — Vladikavkaz, st. Grisa Plieva 5b

Hyundai Creta

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  • 2021 car model year
  • 2.0 L gasoline
  • 149 HP engine power
  • 2x4 front-wheel drive
  • automatic transmission
  • Кондиционер in every configuration
  • автоматический замок через приложение
  • 20 мин. быстрая верификация нового водителя


14.50 ₽ минута
690 ₽ 11.5 ₽ / мин. час
1 180 ₽ 6.56 ₽ / мин. 3 часа
1 880 ₽ 5.22 ₽ / мин. 6 часов
2 880 ₽ 4 ₽ / мин. 12 часов
5 450 ₽ 3.78 ₽ / мин. 24 часа
  • Бронирование — 20 минут бесплатно, далее 9.50 ₽ / мин.
    Чтобы дойти до автомобиля отводится некоторое время, которое рассчитывается в зависимости от расстояния до авто. Далее бронь становится платной.
  • Осмотр — 7 минут бесплатно, далее 9.50 ₽ / мин.
    За это время необходимо проверить наличие документов в бардачке и отметить возможные повреждения.
  • Ожидание2 ₽ / мин.
    Автомобиль можно оставить в режиме «ожидание» в любой момент.

Car Rental Terms

Hyundai Creta находится в полном и постоянном доступе на территории Владикавказа и запускаются с приложения TOPRENT CarSharing.

Техподдержка доступна ежедневно с 8:00 до 20:00, рекомендуем пользоваться сервисом именно в этом временном диапазоне.

Скачайте наше приложение
Первый этап внедрения городского каршеринга доступен только для клиентов автопроката Топрент.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent Hyundai Creta if I am not 20 years old?

No. Drivers older than years with more than years of driving experience can rent Hyundai Creta from us.

Can I rent Hyundai Creta for a long-term lease? How much will this service cost?

There is no initial discount for long-term rental of Hyundai Creta. However, you can call or message us to receive individual terms.

If I get into an accident with the rented car, who will pay for the repairs?

All of our cars are insured against risks, so: if the accident that caused damage to the car occurred due to your (the renter's) fault, you do not need to pay for the car damage, provided that you have purchased additional MiniCASCO insurance. If the accident was not your fault and you can prove it with documents from the State Traffic Inspectorate (GIBDD), you also do not need to pay for the car damage, provided you can prove it with documents from GIBDD. Moreover, we will offer you a replacement car of the same class. Rented a car from us and had an accident? Give us a call, we will always help.

Is it possible to rent a car on the day of inquiry?

Yes. However, the choice of car will be limited to the models available in our parking lot on the day of inquiry.

Do you update your car fleet, do you have new cars?

Yes. We regularly update our car fleet, buying new trending models from the most popular car brands. The average age of our cars does not exceed 2 years.

What is the minimum rental period for a car?

For 24 hours. This means you can return the car to us in just an hour, but the rental cost will be equal to the daily rate.

Do I need to clean the rented car or can I return it as is?

We will provide you with a clean car with a full tank, equipped with a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, and a spare tire. All of this will be documented in the handover report. Therefore, we expect you to return the car to us in the same condition and with the same equipment. Feel free to use our car wash services if it's convenient for you.

About traffic fines:

We will answer several common questions about traffic fines that our clients ask us:

  • You won't be able to pay the fine at a discount, as the fine is issued to the owner of the car, which is us. But before presenting the fine for payment, we will verify its legitimacy.
  • After we pay the fine, you won't be able to find information about it on the traffic police website. You can search for it on the "Online Traffic Police" service.
  • To avoid fines, install an app on your smartphone that allows you to track the presence of surveillance cameras in a specific area.
  • Do not park the rented car on lawns. The fine for this violation for a legal entity can reach 300,000 rubles. According to the terms of the agreement, the fine amount will be charged to you later.
  • You won't be able to obtain a copy of the decision on imposing an administrative fine, but by adhering to the contract terms, we will provide you with complete and accurate information about the fine.

Didn't find the answer to your question?
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section. Or contact us.

Book a car online, by phone or in your favorite messenger — up to you.

Need consultation before booking? We answer all questions in WhatsApp, in a chat on the website or by phone +7 (991) 515-15-15.

If you are renting a car from us for the first time, please prepare your passport and driving license.

Hyundai Creta
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Hyundai Creta
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You can pay for the reservation online or in cash upon receipt.

Hyundai Creta
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362008 Vladikavkaz, Grisa Plieva St. 5B.
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